Saturn Square Venus – There is a Price to be Paid for Love?


Infinite Love

Seeking the Heart of Self
Esoteric Astrology


Saturn Square Venus:

In this lifetime the arena of human relationships and personal love will be full of challenge and lessons for you. Love is hard to find, hard to sustain, or just plain hard! Shyness and loneliness, due mostly to an acute sensitivity to the possibility of rejection, are apt to plague your younger years. Even when friendship and open affection is offered to you, you are prone to doubt it, push it away in disbelief, or feel unworthy of it. Pure, unadulterated pleasure in any form discomforts you. Subconsciously at least, you believe that there is a price to be paid for any love or pleasure you receive, that you may be punished if you enjoy too much or love too much. There is an inner link between love and loss, love and separation, or love and punishment that inhibits you or makes you wary.  Worst of all, you may feel that you are unlovable or unwanted.  All of this is a karmic carry-over which needs to be handled with great compassion toward yourself.  You may have toughened up and hardened your heart a great deal due to past injury, so that you have acted in cold, unfeeling, ungenerous, or unloving ways towards others and yourself.  Perhaps, too, you have put work or other responsibilities ahead of the needs and desires of your heart.  An opening and healing of the heart, first of all by cherishing yourself, is necessary.  Once you start valuing yourself, your personal relationships will reflect that, and happiness in love in your later years can do much to make up for the earlier difficulties.



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Space Kimono

I am, by thinly veiled design, the threshold to other dimensions. In my ending is my beginning. I am the darkness that is the light and the stillness that is the dancing.

This site is dedicated to seeking. Seeking to understand the state of humanity and the heart it-self. Posted here are various musing from the realms of the unreal. As, to me, the condition and state of the World is so out of synch with natural process that it makes it seem like some dream in the land of insane. Make no mistake about it. We are living through high stakes War on Consciousness that is so vast it's barely believed to exist. These are the musings from this strange world, from the realms of the unreal. Some things I have collected here. Other things I have written.
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the realms of the unreal

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